MidNight Cocktails by Mucho
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 6 August 2013

MidNight is an “innovative” range of cocktail boxes that intend to “revolutionize the way people create cocktails both in bars and at home”. Design studio Mucho were commissioned to develop packaging and brand identity for MidNight that would “retain the tradition and elegance of cocktail making” whilst reflecting the new method of storing and serving. Based on the geometric reinterpretation of the ‘M’ and the ‘N’ Mucho created a graphic system of triangles. This mixes classic fruit engravings with bright colour to generate a kaleidoscopic visual language that weaves together a sense of traditional craft and quality, and an exciting and modern cocktail making experience.

Mucho’s approach brings a contemporary energy and life to the fine, traditional etched illustrative work and botanical detail of the past. Whether illustrated with an eye for period authenticity or drawn from historical stock these benefit from a solid and on-trend representation of good natural quality whilst delivering an organic and communicative contrast to the geometry of the pattern work.
The three triangles that make up the MN monogram are perhaps a little reductionist to really own as an identity but as an extended pattern that cuts up the hand drawn monochromatic sketches – a union that is significantly more proprietary and distinctive – these appear as a smart distillation of the methodology and science of mixology as well as the idea of elemental ingredients being brought together. The colour palette is bright and fruity, enhanced by a white background and black panel that gives space and a premium quality to typography, that like the illustrative work, add a classic sensibility through a serif script.
The result is fantastic juxtaposition of past and present design cues cut and remixed to derive a sense of contemporary creativity, classic flavour profiles and good quality ingredients which make the most of the flat surfaces of a form factor new to the category.