BP&O Plus

Sarah’s Wonderful Honey

Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 20 June 2011

Sarahs Wonderful Honey

Sarah’s Wonderful Honey is a new product line from Ireland’s Mileeven Fine Foods, a family company run by Eilis and daughter Sarah Gough. Producing honey since 1988 this new range comes with a fruit twist and covers nine varieties, six of which will launch in Selfridge’s this month.

I was really struck by this unusual proposition and the potential to create a new visual language. Unfortunately the opportunity to clearly define this as a new fusion product falls a little short and leans more towards a jam sensibility.

The fruit illustrations have been rendered in a loose (‘on-trend’) watercolour fashion in a fairly accurate and well coloured way. The primary type selection has a light motion and hand drawn aesthetic that is coupled with a ‘bouncy’ serif choice, both of these could have benefited from a similar watercolour treatment but still have a nice playful and informal character. The layouts have a professional and considered style and should happily sit within the home-made category but may struggle to visually define itself as something completely different. The inclusion of the honeybee feels like a generic approach and highlights the lack of a unified and fully resolved concept which could have been fixed by simply moving the bee closer to the fruit (or maybe covering it in jam).

Regardless these are very competently designed, with nice layouts, bold and fruity colour choices and a type combination that successfully blends a home-style with that of a higher quality proposition.


Sarahs beautiful honeySarahs beautiful honey