Lo Siento by Mucho
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 24 April 2012
This week sees the launch of Barcelona-based brand and graphic design agency Lo Siento’s new visual identity. Created out-of-house by international studio Mucho, the solution blends a modern serif logo-type with a reductionist approach to letter-forms through reification and an industrial, hand-stenciled treatment across the business cards to visualise an unusual industrial and artisan design philosophy.
“LoSiento is a small studio that specially enjoys taking over the whole concept of the identity projects. Its main feature is an organic and physical approach to the solutions, resulting in a field where graphic and industrial design dialogue, always searching an alliance with the artisan processes.” – LoSiento
The logo-types blend of serif and stencil cut details fuses timeless design with contemporary functionality. The utilisation of the E and the T to complete the N – similar to illusory contours – really emphasis a multi-disciplined and integrated approach while distilling the identity down to its most elemental and functional form. The laser cut steel of the logo-type stencil delivers a smart industrial and pragmatic contrast to the handcrafted aesthetic and personal touch that different coloured pens and fills give to the business cards.