BP&O Plus

Bau Building Materials by Mousegraphics

Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 15 October 2013

Packaging with bold tetrimino detail created by Mousegraphics for Bau Building Materials

Bau recently commissioned Greek multidisciplinary design agency Mousegraphics to develop a new packaging solution for their building material range that would convey construction in a simple, modern, distinctive way to both professionals and hobbyists. Taking inspiration from the video game Tetris, Mousegraphics created a striking packaging solution that utilises the iconic four block form of Tetriminos and a distinctive fluorescent ink print treatment to neatly resolve the themes of individual creativity and commercial construction in a contemporary way.

“If it is true that play is at the base of every creative activity and if we all share building-with-cubes childhood memories, we designed the BAU packaging as a fun way to bring the “matrix” to adult realities.”– Mousegraphics

Packaging with bold fluorescent tetrimino detail created by Mousegraphics for Bau Building Materials

Although I must concede that initially I thought this was a conceptual rather than a commercial project – it rejects a lot of industry conventions in favour of what looks more like a surface treatment – and is quite unusual in its appropriation of an aesthetic tied so tightly to play, the geometry and modular nature of the tetriminos work really well within the context of construction and alongside the more familiar stencil cut detail of the typography. For an industry known for the no fuss utility of greys and unbleached browns the neon inks are an unusual expense – perhaps a reference to high vis jackets and safety equipment – but a choice that certainly fulfils the distinction set out in the brief without compromising the sense of basic, reliable functionality.