2LG Studio by Two Times Elliott
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 16 January 2018

2LG is an award-winning London-based interior design studio, offering residential and commercial interior design, styling and consultation services, founded by creative duo Jordan Cluroe and Russell Whitehead. The studio’s work is characterised by a use of signature colour, high quality material texture and moments of significant contrast, and emerges from a process rooted in creative partnership and a sensitivity to both the past and present. This is expressed by the studio’s new graphic identity and website design, developed by Two Times Elliott, through dyed boards and glossy finish of business cards and stationery, in the blocks of colour responding to project images online, and in small details such as the two parallel lines of the logo, in the pairing of typefaces and the customisable format of journal entries.

The approach is simple, the concept intelligible and well-intentioned, establishing a pleasant and clear continuity between the materiality, colour and range of colour of the interior design work of 2LG, as captured and expressed by photography online, and printed materials.
Logo is equally as simple but rooted in good intention. Two lines working in concert. Functioning as a metaphor for partnership, drawing individuality from Monotype Grotesque and, in the lightness of the lines, bringing a delicateness and refinement to the ubiquity of gold block foil.
Online blocks of solid colour, which respond and correspond to content, serve to divide and unify, and draw out the colour of interiors, helped by plenty of space. These are distinctive and appealing in their individuality and combination, moving from the cool to the warm, from the soft to the vibrant, a neat articulation of the range of 2LG.

There are a number of small details that are thoughtful. These include the shared business card that ties into partnership, the rollover triggered images of links on the about page, and the duality and juxtaposition of modernity and tradition in the quirky character of Monotype Grotesque alongside the carved serif flourishes of Stanley Bold.

As an integral part of the studio’s income, 2LG’s journal was worked into their new website, and developed into a distinctive editorial format that can be customised and respond to content. This brings a visual and content variety to website, helps to leverage a large and loyal following to boost the profile of the site, and layers compelling images with a mix of contextual and conceptual detail, professional and personal insight.

The result is conceptually simple, yet stylistically and materially refined. Material expense feels justified, contextually sensitive and distinctive, functioning as a distilled down articulation of 2LG Studio’s colour and texture priority. Digital experience takes those material qualities and effectively articulates these through compelling image, and gives a contextual richness and personality to a compelling body of work through the design language of interior design magazine editorials. More work by Two Times Elliott on BP&O.
Design: Two Times Eilliott. Photography: Megan Taylor. Fonts: Monotype Grotesque & Stanley Bold. Materials: Cairn Sapphire, Vellum White & Wild Clay. Opinion: Richard Baird.