Omakase Room by Tatsu is a unique sushi dining experience located on New York’s Christopher Street. The concept is rooted in the centuries-old family traditions of Japanese Executive Chef and host Tatsu Sekiguchi and the celebration of the individual and personal. This can be experienced in the restaurant’s unique and intimate setting, one that seats only eight, and a menu...
Kosmopolis is a five day literature festival that takes place in Barcelona every two years, but also has a programme of ongoing events in between. The festival, since 2002, has been organized by the exhibition and arts centre Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, and intends to promote literature in its many different forms. It does this through a series of talks and...
Kristin Jarmund Architects is an oslo-based architectural studio with a design philosophy that is focused on using a simplicity of form and a clarity of purpose to address complex problems, while at the same time, allowing for a contextual and human sensitivity. Reduction, as well as the duality inherent to the studio’s work, was the founding principles of their new...
June’s is a cafe and bar located on the corner of South Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. It offers breakfast, brunch, and grab-and-go pastries and coffee throughout the morning, and has an all day bistro menu that is served late into the evenings. The bistro menu is complemented by a changing wine and bar program managed by Master Sommelier June Rodil. June’s...
Frameline is an American nonprofit arts organisation and the world’s longest running LGBTQ film festival. Frameline continues its mission, since its founding in 1977, to change the world through the power of gay cinema, and to connect filmmakers with audiences locally and internationally. Graphic design studio Mucho worked with Frameline on its visual identity and campaigns for its 40th and 41st LGBTQ...
Brighton & Brighton Beach are privately owned boutique childcare and early learning centres in Brighton, Australia. Brighton ELC, the first of the two, opened in 2001 and caters to 60 children, aged between the ages of 8 months and 6 years, and recently underwent renovations, led by Christopher Elliott Design. To coincide with this renovation, Brighton ELC worked with Studio Brave on...
Corps Reviver is a French publisher and revivalist, redesigning and reprinting classic literary works, the first of which is L’Heure du Cocktail, The Cocktail Hour, written by journalists Marcel Requien and Lucien Farnoux-Reynaud and originally published in 1927. L’Heure du Cocktail, at the time, revolutionised the cocktail book, approaching the subject in a new way. This 2017 bilingual edition, presented in French and English,...
Roger Burkhard is a creative web development and interactive studio based in Bern, Switzerland, with a roster of clients throughout the creative industries. The studio worked with Scandinavian designers Lundgren+ Lindqvist on the development of a new brand identity. This included monogram, brand guidelines and website, as well as a stationery set that covered business card and promotional cards, letterhead,...
George + Powlett is a residential property development of 11 apartments, created by ICON Developments, and located in East Melbourne. ICON’s properties are described as having a precision and balance, and this continues through to their latest project, which was designed by acclaimed architectural practice Powell & Glenn. The development is set within an environment of what is described as a place of elegant contrasts. This can...
Hill of Grace Restaurant was created by renowned Australian wine maker Henschke and is located at the historic Adelaide Oval. With the intention of elevating experience, Henschke worked with design studio Band to develop a new brand identity that would match the quality of its food and wine, and establish a stronger connection with the roots of the brand, the Henschke vineyard. This is explored...
Arconvert, a division of the Fedrigoni Group, will be hosting Label Lab, The Forum for Label and Packaging Innovation, on May 17th at Priory Church on St. John’s Square, London. The event will celebrate the aesthetics and craftsmanship of labelling and packaging design, and will showcase the materials of Fedrigoni’s labelling division Arconvert has to offer. The evening will also include talks by Pablo Martín...
Sydney Dyslexia intends to challenge the misconception that dyslexia is a learning disability, and instead, move the conversation forward, to more appropriately address it as a learning difference. Sydlexia is an innovative and pioneering platform, created by Sydney Dyslexia, to help aid this change, and offers new techniques and training methods to help facilitate “dyslexia correction”. Dyslexia is the most common learning disorder....