Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN) is an eleven day event that takes place each year in a number of locations throughout the South Korean city of Bucheon, a satellite city of Seoul. It celebrates world cinema; specifically those dealing with the themes of love, fantasy and adventure, plays host to international, Asian and national premieres, and includes, alongside the...
Primary is a new co-working space in New York that introduces health and wellness into the workplace. This can be seen in the approach to interior design; a mix of wood, contemporary soft furnishings and greenery, experienced in the fusion of office space, business events and relaxation classes, and expressed throughout Primary’s brand identity, created by graphic design studio DIA. DIA were tasked...
Linden Stuab is a UK-based model agency challenging industry conventions with their mantra ‘Empowering Women’, and by acting as a mother agency to all of their models. The name Linden Staub, derived from the maiden names of the two founding partner’s mothers, is an expression of this, and alongside the agency’s strong human-focus, was the basis for their new brand identity, created...
Collected Coffee is a New York-based coffee subscription service committed to sourcing the world’s best coffee beans, prepared by speciality roasters. The service worked with Canadian design studio Fivethousand Fingers to develop a brand identity, which included logo, packaging, tote bag and web design, that would be perceived as intelligent, cultured and curious to a sophisticated coffee enthusiast. This was achieved through a contemporary gallery-like...
Frameline is a San Francisco-based nonprofit arts organisation and LGBTQ film festival that intends to change the world through the power of gay cinema, and to connect filmmakers with audiences locally and internationally. Graphic design studio Mucho worked with Frameline on its brand identity and campaign for its 40th LGBTQ film festival, delivering a system based around a framing device, a bright and diverse colour palette and...
Alta Quartzite is a natural building material quarried from the mountains of Norway’s Alta region with a unique green/grey colour, fine texture and hard wearing non-slip properties. These make it a good choice for both interior and exterior applications, from roofing, paving and staircases, to roads and walkways. Although it is material with a long history of use it is...
Fathom is a new UK based architectural practice, set up by Justin Nicholls, former partner at Make Architects and Foster+Partners, that draws beautiful and logical buildings from complex briefs, and within the context of sensitive sites. Fathom Architects worked with dn&co. to develop a visual identity that would encapsulate this focus as well as their curiosity and use of technology....
InsideSource is an American office space planning, design and installation business with 25 years experience and past clients that have included Facebook, Box, Shutterfly and Tango. InsideSource worked with graphic design studio Mucho to help them better express who they are and what they do through a new visual identity. This was achieved using a modular and custom type-based system that runs across tote bags,...
A-TO-B is a retail destination dedicated to all things travel. It curates and sells smart practical products for the modern traveller, complimented by insight and advice. Whether it be an around the world trip or the daily commute, a preference for small private labels or well-known bag brands, A-TO-B has it covered. Venue Retail Group—owners of A-TO-B and over 150 shoe, bag and...
Researchers In Schools recruits and trains post-doctoral science researchers in the United Kingdom to become teachers with the intention of increasing subject expertise, promoting fields of research and improving university access. Researchers In Schools recently worked with London based graphic design studio Paul Belford Ltd. to develop a new brand identity system and visual language. This went on to include logo design...
Typojanchi is an international biennale that looks to explore the various intersections at which visual language meets culture, politics and the economy. Its forth event, which took place between the 11th November and the 27th December 2015 in the South Korean city of Seoul, was based around the themes of, and relationship between, cities and typography. This is communicated within its...
The Practical Man is an online retail destination for men’s sports style and fitness, activewear and equipment, but also editorial content that covers reviews, fitness-focused travel guides and in-depth insight into new brands. It curates a catalogue of world-leading products that exist at the intersection of fashion and sports performance, designed by innovative and passionate brands with progressive approaches. Australian graphic design studio Garbett worked with The Practical Man...