Studio Showcase: Studio fnt
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 11 April 2018

A continually updated gallery of graphic design work created by Studio fnt reviewed and published on BP&O. Studio fnt is a Seoul based graphic design studio creating graphic identities, design for print, interactive/digital media products and packaging, and has an approach that seeks to collect fragmented and straying thoughts, and organises and transforms these into relevant forms.
This post covers a variety of projects, but there is a strong leaning towards events and festivals. BP&O has been following and writing about Studio fnt since 2014. Their work has often stood out for its mix of contemporary visual design language and a cultural sensitivity, reference and relevance. Studio fnt’s portfolio moves between singular but bold graphic gestures to an illustrative richness with much of the work being cheerful and playful in its mix of colour, form, type and image.
Highlights include their work for BIFAN; a mix of custom type and commissioned illustration, the illustrative collages for Ulju Mountain Film Festival, and the correlation between type, image and interior design throughout their work for Daechung Park Cafe.
BIFAN 2016
Ulju Mountain Film Festival
Milk Lab
The Hyundai Department Store
C( )T( ) – Typojanchi 2015
National Theatre of Korea Repertory 2017/18
Daechung Park Cafe