BP&O Collections — Type Play
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 16 July 2018

A continually updated collection of graphic identity design work with a playful typographical and/or lettering component, reviewed and published on BP&O. This post features work by Pentagram, Base Design and Glasfurd & Walker and includes seasonal poster campaigns, packaging, simple and broad brand identity systems.
Projects typically share a strong visual impact and a graphic immediacy in the repetition and proportion of type across different surfaces. Some employ convivial visual languages such as Base Design’s work for Mitsulift and RE’s identity for Sydney Design Festival, while others use a playful intersection of type, material and material structure, check out BBDO’s work for Sydlexia and Essem’s packaging for Mathias Dahlgren Edition.
This post was published as a quick way to browse through BP&O’s content and get access to older but equally interesting projects through different themes, and expands on previous posts under the category The Best of BP&O. This series can be subscribed to here.
Åhléns by Happy FB
Innsbruck International, Biennial of the Arts Studio Mut
Collect by Spin
Assembly by Ragged Edge
Maison De Greef by Base Design
New Architecture in South Tyrol 2012—2018 by Studio Mut
Sydlexia by BBDO Dubai
Boundless Theatre by Spy
Blå Bär by BVD
Mitsulift by Base Design
St Erhard by Bedow
Sydney Design Festival by Re
Den Norsk Filmskolen by Neue
14 Islands by Bedow
C( )T( ) – Typojanchi 2015 by Studio fnt
MOAA by Inhouse
Di Beppe by Glasfurd & Walker
London Fashion Week by Pentagram
National Theatre of Korea by Studio fnt
Fabric of Onehunga by Richards Partners
Shakespeare In The Park 2018 by Pentagram
Mathias Dahlgren Edition by Essen International