The Best of BP&O — Business Cards No.6
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 10 December 2014

The sixth collection of business cards reviewed and published on BP&O. Between them, these highlight how colour, type, form and texture contrast, delivered through a combination of graphic design, material choice and print finish, contribute to a distinctive and communicative brand identity. As with earlier sets, this selection includes uncoated and coated boards, papers from Colorplan and Arjowiggins, edge painted detail, surface embosses and foils. Featured studios include Karoshi, BVD, Werklig and Atipo.
This post was published as a quick way to browse through BP&O’s content and gain access to older but equally interesting projects through different themes, in this case business cards, and expands upon previous posts under the category The Best of BP&O. This series can be subscribed to here.
The Stow Brothers designed by Build
Bray & Slaughter designed by Mytton Williams
Iannilli designed by Savvy
Mr Big Stuff designed by Can I Play
NB Flowers designed by Karoshi
Helsinki Food Company designed by Werklig
GR Communications designed by Ascend
Andrew Schweitzer designed by Studio Constantine
Michael Barley Photography designed by 3advertising
Julia Denes designed by Sammut
RNC Translations designed by Studio Constantine
Sifang Art Museum designed by Foreign Policy
Melt designed by Can I Play
Whisky Ambassador designed by O Street
Matthias Jersild designed by BVD
Bed Roc designed by Perky Bros
The Honours designed by Touch
Nosive Strukture designed by Bunch
Sébastien Bertrand Gallery designed by Neo Neo
Townhouse designed Koniak
Pact designed by Acre
254 Forest designed by Codefrisko
Minke designed by Atipo