Richard Baird

Richard Baird

Richard is a writer, designer and publisher. He's the founder of BP&O, LogoArchive (www.logo-archive.org), Logo Histories (www.logohistories.com) and Brand Archive (www.brandarchive.xyz).

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ROM by Leo Burnett

ROM by Leo Burnett

Saaristo by Bond

Ultraderp by Mucho

Ultraderp by Mucho

Spudos by Paul Belford Ltd

Spudos by Paul Belford Ltd

CBC by Burton Kramer, 1974

BP&O Voices
Rich Baird on Design History: CBC by Burton Kramer, 1974

Esprit by John Casado, 1978

BP&O Voices
Rich Baird on Design History: Esprit by John Casado, 1978

HSBC by Henry Steiner, 1983

BP&O Voices
Rich Baird on Design History: HSBC by Henry Steiner, 1983

Antara 128 by Mucho

Antara 128 by Mucho

Mazda by Rei Yoshimura & PAOS, 1975

BP&O Voices
Rich Baird on Design History: Mazda by Rei Yoshimura & PAOS, 1975

PURLOM’s ¡A LA MESA! by Onmi Design

PURLOM’s ¡A LA MESA! by Onmi Design

Spar by Raymond Loewy, 1970

BP&O Voices
Rich Baird on Design History: Spar by Raymond Loewy, 1970

Canadian National Railway by Allan Fleming, 1960

BP&O Voices
Rich Baird on Design History: Canadian National Railway by Allan Fleming, 1960