The Best of BP&O — Business Cards No.5
Opinion by Richard Baird Posted 14 November 2014

The fifth collection of business cards reviewed and published on BP&O. Between them, these highlight how colour, type, form and texture contrast, delivered through a combination of graphic design, material choice and print finish, can contribute to a distinctive and communicative brand identity. As with earlier sets, this selection includes uncoated and coated papers, edge painted detail, surface embosses, foils and a variety of boards, but also includes glow in the dark and heat reactive ink detail. Featured studios include Karoshi, Mash Creative, Swear Words and Designers Anonymous.
This post was published as a quick way to browse through BP&O’s content and gain access to older but equally interesting projects through different themes, in this case business cards, and expands upon previous posts under the category The Best of BP&O. This series can be subscribed to here.
Ali Sharaf designed by Mash Creative
The Counter Press
Crabapple Kitchen designed by Swear Words
Bindle designed by Swear Words
Rafaela Abrahão designed by BR/Bauen
Mark Cappellino designed by Perky Bros
Fika designed by Designers Anonymous
Designers Anonymous
Curious Space designed by Mash Creative & May Ninth
Boabel designed by Maud
Síol Studio designed by Mucho
Addition designed by Thought Assembly
Saxa designed by Graphical House
Sancy & Regent designed by OK-RM
The Town Mouse by A Friend Of Mine
We Make Stuff Happen designed by Maddison Graphic
Reachin’ designed by Karoshi
Hoola designed by Two Times Elliott
Fogg designed by Bunch
Metronet designed by Work In Progress
Highpark designed by Face
Romero+McPaul designed by Anagrama