All systems grow. What a fun line. Setting up and positioning Ortto, formerly Autopilot, as the leading marketing automation solution for business. The name is great, a wonderful move forward for the company, and sufficiently taking something technical and inhuman-sounding and giving it a somewhat anthropomorphised quality, easy to remember and providing room for growth into other technologies and services....
A visual identity just as Instagrammable as the ‘the world’s most Instagrammed cake’. Sydney bakery Black Star Pastry has been on the ascendancy, from local pastry maker to global cult status, racking up millions of views, thousands of loyal followers and generating hype around its ‘original cakes woven together with poetic storytelling’. Working with Japanese illustrator Noritake, (known for his...
Tired of kinetic type and motion identities? No? Me neither. I remember the early work of DIA, way back, asking whether this was a flash in the pan. Seemed like the Swiss modernists had been well and truly brought back and given a digital energy. To designers, it may feel like a peak, but globally speaking, it’s still an emerging...
There’s nothing more human than food says Nyati Gupta, CEO and Co-founder Fork & Good. However, the first place people in more temperate regions will feel the effect of climate change will be on their plate. ‘To be able to eat your favourite dishes without the environmental impact, that would be the dream’. Although vegetarianism and veganism have made it to...
Introducing LogoArchive, a research tool from BP&O founder Richard Baird and designer and developer Christian Laufenböck. Discover over 3000 modernist logos, carefully digitised and researched. See 300 of these in their original colour and read short stories behind 100 more. Find inspiration using a multiple search terms and tags. Collate logos into collections for projects, manage these collections for projects...
The visual ‘territories’ of design and the strategic routes of marketing and advertising run in cycles, parallel to consumer culture. Ideas that fall by the wayside one decade are rediscovered, remixed or recycled in another. Challenger brands grow, take on the established and are either acquired, expire or, sometimes, find a sweet spot for growth that allows them to remain true...
When I first caught Perky Bros’ latest project I misread it as ‘Tempo’, the speed at which music is played. Timing is everything, or so it is said. For real estate company Tembo this notion takes the form of patience; the time to grow gently and judiciously. Property development, momentarily paused during the pandemic, seems to have recovered and is again...
In 2020 LogoArchive started to roll out a research programme, inviting international designers to use the platform to share the works of their countries, with a special interest in those who have been previously under-represented. This included nations in the Middle East, East Asia and Eastern Europe. Since then, the LogoArchive Instagram accounts have continually surprised and delighted. One of...
Triboro worked on its first restaurant branding project over a decade ago, at a time when the folklore was that if you were a restaurant serving traditional food the visual language should evoke the region and time period of the cuisine. This was intuitive and, as Triboro founder David Heasty recounts, led to some well-crafted and beautiful results but often leaned...
More plants, less plastic. A noble mission. Over the last decade, revelation has followed revelation with regards to the environmental impact of what seemed like the most innocuous of objects. Now it’s the turn of the humble flower pot. Yep, that. Stacked and sitting empty in the shed, or at the bottom of the garden. It turns out that these...
Property development continues to boom in London. It’s difficult to see how any of this is really benefitting those most in need, or whether housing is even being designed to be resided in at this point, acting as a ‘store of value’ for those much wealthier individuals. Recently developed areas appear like ghost towns at night. Having just moved, and...
There’s a drink for all occassions. Could be with friends, out at a bar, in a restaurant, perhaps alone. There are also drinks that you might expect to take you away from the everyday, perhaps to a quieter more tranquil place, where torrent of ice water meets the churn of the sea. Still Waters, a New Zealand distilled gin and...